
Thursday, 7 December 2017

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles
1. Sea turtles are  green
2. Sea turtles swim in the ocean
3. They have four flippers
4. They have no teeth
5. Sea turtles have hard shells.
6.Sea turtles are reptiles.
7. The female sea turtle does the hard work.
8. They eat seaweed.
9. They lay their eggs at night time.
10. Sea turtles are fast in water

Image result for sea turtles

Actions taken
1.Don’t buy jewellery, meat and boots made from sea turtle shells.
2. Do a beach clean up
3.Don’t disturb nesting sites

4.Use closed bins

Friday, 1 December 2017

Sea Turtlea

  1. Fishing lines and nets: the sea turtles get caught in the net by thinking the net is seaweed.

  1. Baby hatchlings try to make there way to the ocean
    But because  of artificial lighting they get confused and  they make there way to the city.

   3.People take their shiny shell and make jewellery.

   4. Out of 100 sea turtles only 1 baby sea turtle

  5.  Sea turtles choke on plastic bags because they
   think the plastic bags are jellyfish.

Acrostic poem

Sea Turtles are endangered.
Eggs look like ping-pong balls.
Artificial lighting confuse the hatchlings
Turtles are green.
Under the sea they go fast.
Reptiles are cold blooded.
Turtles have no teeth.
Leatherbacks are use for boots.
Each egg is buried in the sand.
Sea turtles have a hard shell.

Image result for sea turtle

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Trees For The Birds

Image result for map of hauraki gulf
1.The northern blue penguin.
2. The Pukeko.
3. The North island fantail.
4.  The Bellbird.

5.  The Tui.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Zoo Babies

Image result for Red pandaImage result for sumatran tigerImage result for chimpanzee
Why are they endangered?
Sumatran tigers
There numbers are dropping and they have been hunted and because their habitat is being destroyed.

Many of these forests have been destroyed, and red pandas are now endangered.

People have used them as pets and for laboratory testing.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Explanation Writing

Title: Chopping Board
Definition: A chopping board is a kitchen tool.

A Chopping Board is brown and or any other color. It’s made out of wood and it has a wooden handle. It is shaped like a square.
It is  used by mums, dads,farmers and chefs and restaurants.
It is used for chopping meat, vegetable and fruits.

It works when you place it on a firm surface and you place your meat and chop it. Then hold the veggies on board and cut it. You can cut heaps of fruit and vegetables. Use a separate board for vegetables and meat.
Image result for chopping board


W.A.L.T. to use information in the text to create a super hero.
If you don’t have a rubber and you say rubber, Super Rubber will come and give you a Rubber.

Image result for super hero girl

Friday, 1 September 2017

Sailing The Pacific

Watching the clouds movement helped navigators to know when land was close. Clouds move slow when they are across land. The color of the clouds helped too. Sometimes the underside of a cloud would reflect a hint of green if it was above land or a cloud’s color might brighten as it moved over a sunlit lagoon.

 Free photo Cloud Sky Light And Shadow - Max Pixel
W.A.L.T. to explain information in the text

Measurement out the area of a rectangle

1.8x3=24 sq cm

2.5x7=35 sq cm

3.3x3=9 sq cm

4.10x4=40 sq cm

5.9x2=18 sq cm

6.8x5=40 sq cm

Friday, 25 August 2017

My Friend

My friend is cool
She does lots of filming
She goes to the zoo
And she sees some chimpanzees
Sometimes she’s  scared
She’s my best friend

Image result for My Best friend

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Fire Safety

On Tuesday we all went to room 10 to learn about fire hazards and, fire safety. List somethings about fire Hazards -  matches, oil, gas bottle and  gas. Something -  about fire safety cover yourself, turn off the oven and  insulation.

Image result for fire safety


Purpose: Instructions on how to make Chocolate Chip Biscuits

75 g butter,
1\2 cup white sugar,
1 large egg,
1\2 cup chocolate chips,
1\2 tsp baking soda,
11\4 cups plain flour.

1. Preheat oven to 180C (170C fan bake). Line an oven tray with baking paper or a non-stick liner.

2. Microwave butter in a microwave-proof bowl for 1 minute. Add sugars and eggs and beat with a fork until mixed thoroughly.

3. Sprinkle chocolate chips into the bowl. Measure baking soda and flour into a sieve placed over the bowl, shake them into the bowl and mix everything well.

4. Roll the mixture into 12 equalled-sized balls. Place these on the tray,  leaving  room  for  spreading,  and gently flatten to about 1cm thick (The mixture firms up a little on standing-if it is too soft to form into balls initially, you can spoon it out of the tray.)

5. Bake just below the middle of the oven for 10-12 minutes on until golden -brown-a fan oven is likely to cook the biscuits more quickly warm, Lift  them onto a cooling rack, then the shape and cook the rest of the mixture the same way .

6. When biscuits are cold, stove in an airtight container/jar.

Conclusion: Finally you can enjoy your Chocolate Chip Biscuits.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The Four Dragons

CREATE: Map showing the 4 great rivers in China and explaining how they were formed. The  four dragons were trapped in the mountains and they turned into  four rivers Heilong Jiang, Huang He, Chang Jiang and  Zhu Jiang  that flowed into the sea.
Image result for book of the four dragons

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Visiting the Endeavour

SHREK:   Visiting the Endeavour  by Marshall and Johanna  Woods

1.Who was Captain Cook?Captain Cook was a sailor who sailed from England to New Zealand.
2.What was his job? Hiss job was to make maps of New Zealand.
3.Why did he make his soldiers eat lots of vegetables?So the to prevent the  sailors from dying of scurvy.
4.Why didn’t the boy like to be a sailor like Captain cook or his great-grandfather? Because it is lots of work to do.

Vocabulary: Use clues in the text and pictures to clarify the meaning of these words.

  1. Explorer-A person who explores a new or unfamiliar area.
  2. Wharf-A level quayside area to which a ship may be moored to load and unload.
  3. Hammocks-A bed made of canvas or rope mesh suspended from two supports by cords at both ends.
  4. Scurvy- Disease
  5. Rudder- A flat piece hinged vertically near the stern of a boat or ship for steering.     You are doing well with your reading

CREATE: Explain what the ship’s bell was used for and why. Insert a picture for your blog When the ship was running into a bad weather and to warn the other ship so that two ships wouldn’t hit each.

Image result for captain cook

Friday, 11 August 2017


Our theme for this term is Resilience and our topic is Emotion.

I am happy when my nana is here with me.a

Monday, 31 July 2017


On Wednesday we went to Mrs Tofa’s class and we learnt about insulation.Insulation means keeping your house warm.We all saw a video about a small family and a little kid in their family.The video was about the little boy having a flu because they had no insulation in their house.It is not good to have no insulation in your house. You can insulate your house by using Pink Batts in the roof and in the walls and mammoth in the floor.

houston-texas-spray-foam-insulation | dunktanktechnician | Flickr

Friday, 12 May 2017

My Holiday Experience

In the holidays my family were excited to go to Massey to see my favourite aunty Monika and cousins.  It was my auntie’s pay day and we wanted to go to Genghis Khan Restaurant at Massey.

Next, everyone hopped into their cars and drove to the Restaurant.  My favourite food was sushi and the meat was really yummy too.  We went and  got some meat and gave to the chefs and they cooked it really well.  I also had salad  and some chips with some other food as well.  At the end we had their delicious pancakes and ice cream.  There were 4 different flavours.

Finally, everyone felt so tired from eating and it was time to go home because we couldn’t eat anymore.  We slept on our way back home and said thank you to our favourite aunty for shouting us.  

Image result for genghis khan restaurant        Image result for genghis khan restaurant

Image result for genghis khan restaurant Image result for sushi

Saturday, 15 April 2017

A silly story



Storyline: Goosebumps is about a monster that wears rainbow clothes and he has a funny face.The monster said he does not do anything and he is a monster. That is so scared and he kills people.
Words were: Just right
What I like best: is that Goosebumps is a monster.

What didn’t like: I did not like that he kills people.

Illustrations: There were many   
The book was: Interesting

Favourite character: Goosebumps