
Thursday, 7 December 2017

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles
1. Sea turtles are  green
2. Sea turtles swim in the ocean
3. They have four flippers
4. They have no teeth
5. Sea turtles have hard shells.
6.Sea turtles are reptiles.
7. The female sea turtle does the hard work.
8. They eat seaweed.
9. They lay their eggs at night time.
10. Sea turtles are fast in water

Image result for sea turtles

Actions taken
1.Don’t buy jewellery, meat and boots made from sea turtle shells.
2. Do a beach clean up
3.Don’t disturb nesting sites

4.Use closed bins

Friday, 1 December 2017

Sea Turtlea

  1. Fishing lines and nets: the sea turtles get caught in the net by thinking the net is seaweed.

  1. Baby hatchlings try to make there way to the ocean
    But because  of artificial lighting they get confused and  they make there way to the city.

   3.People take their shiny shell and make jewellery.

   4. Out of 100 sea turtles only 1 baby sea turtle

  5.  Sea turtles choke on plastic bags because they
   think the plastic bags are jellyfish.

Acrostic poem

Sea Turtles are endangered.
Eggs look like ping-pong balls.
Artificial lighting confuse the hatchlings
Turtles are green.
Under the sea they go fast.
Reptiles are cold blooded.
Turtles have no teeth.
Leatherbacks are use for boots.
Each egg is buried in the sand.
Sea turtles have a hard shell.

Image result for sea turtle